Rodney Howard-Browne is himself slain with "spiritual muteness" during Bible reading
Browne turns a common mispronunciation of a word in a Bible reading (Ezekiel 8:1ff)
into 3 minute demonstration of self inflicted muteness. Watch how he milks the laughs just as long as the audience finds it
funny. When they get bored of it and the humour is gone, he snaps out of it. The he admits that he could resist the muteness
if he chose, proving it is not from the Holy Spirit but himself. Of course we want to know what value is there in the Holy
Spirit silencing and mocking the word of God being read? Why would the Holy Spirit hinder the reading of God's word? Imagine
if Paul conducted himself this way in his ministry!
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Brownsville Revival in Delano Pennsylvania 6/8/1996
This must see video that has it all! None of what you will see in this video ever
happened in the first century church. Spontaneous movements, memory lapses, extended paralysis and people falling to the floor
are opposite to what the Bible says the Holy Spirit does when He anoints someone. The Holy Spirit healed men with spontaneous
movements (Matthew 17:15: epilepsy) and men with extended paralysis (Mark 2:1-12: paralytic). Such were identified as demon
activity! The Holy Spirit brings wisdom and knowledge (1 Cor 12:8) not memory lapses and amnesia! Remember, all charismatic
churches practice some of this stuff some of the time, it is only a matter of varying degrees depending on the tolerance level
of the members each individual church. Click here to view
Copeland and Browne joke together in tongues
Kenneth Copeland and Rodney Howard-Browne joke together in tongues for several
minutes. Nothing miraculous here! In fact they violate the Bible (1 Cor 14:28) by speaking in tongues in the assembly without
an interpreter. Further we ask, what edification has taken place?
1 Corinthians 14:26-28 When you assemble, each one has a psalm, has a teaching, has a revelation, has a tongue,
has an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification. If anyone speaks in a tongue, it should be by two or
at the most three, and each in turn, and let one interpret; 28 but if there is no interpreter, let him keep silent
in the church
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Several typically bizarre examples of slain in the spirit
In a Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship meeting, John Arnott says, "How many
have never been to a church like this in their lives raise your hands." First a woman comes up and John Arnott orders God
to "Fill her, fill her, fill her". She falls to the floor and bangs her head so hard that Arnott says, "Ohhhh" with vicarious
pain. The woman lays on stage for about 45 minutes during which time she rocks on her back like a rocking horse. Interesting
to note that although she is supposed to be slain in the Spirit, she pulls down her shirt several times for fear her belly
is showing. Arnott moves on to the next contestant, Nancy Hubbard who was laughing so hard for 5 minutes, she couldn't explain
that she started laughing in a local restaurant which triggered a contagious laughing reaction throughout the whole restaurant.
Arnott believes this is a supernatural event. However anyone can trigger the same thing by laughing loud and historically
for an extended period. Give it a try sometime! But then the stage becomes a bombing zone with three bodies hitting the turf
like matchsticks. These three lay motionless for about a minute while the first woman does her yearly quota of sit- ups. The
final view pans out to the audience where several lay twitching on the floor.
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- Woman is slain in the spirit and is covered with a pink blanket thanks to the "full service
ushers" and lays on the floor for several minutes.
- Woman in black dress gives a verbal description of being "slain in the spirit". She was paralyzed
to the point that she and her two young children had to be driven home by a strange man whose identity she still didn't know.
Once home she lay paralyzed in her bed, where the man placed her, till 3 AM. John Kilpatrick claims it is the "glory of God"
and confesses he also has been paralyzed on the floor for 2.5 hours at a time. She explains how her three year also wanted
to "go in the spirit" and asked if mommy was going to go "into the spirit" again. The woman relies, she sure hopes she is
paralyzed again just like before. Great mother! who is going to care for the kids when the mother is laying paralyzed on the
floor? And this is from God? Hardly!
- Next a man in a white shirt starts jerking, twitching and dancing (spontaneous movements) like
a fool all over the stage and then blames it on the Holy Spirit.
- Spiritual Amnesia: Sandy Fields is a pastors wife from Cedar Rapids,
Iowa. The Holy Spirit prevents her from remembering the town she lives in. She finally asks her husband in the audience, "Honey
where are we from?" She then leaps backwards and lays on the floor where the ushers cover her with a blanket so people can't
look up her skirt as she does the "dead chicken" in spontaneous movements. John Kilpatrick states he felt the Holy Spirit's
power "hit the woman". Her husband (a pastor) comes on stage and also cannot remember details. Then he states that he and
his wife have been unable to remember things for a week. When his wife stands beside him, they both are "slain in the Spirit"
and fall to the ground. Again blankets are brought out to cover her. A short time later Sandy gets up and after a short excited
talk begins to twitch, dance and move uncontrollably. All this is supposed to be of God.
- Steve Hill (red jacket) then asks for one person from each state to come forward to be "anointed"
and slain in the spirit. When the crowds are gathered he works the could dropping people to the ground like flies in a spectacular
example of group hypnotic induction. Hill yells, "anoint" "now" "whoa". After about 10 minutes of slaying the crowd, Hill
demands that the ushers "lift them all up and get them out of here". The stage show was not going to be hindered by the power
of the Holy Spirit! If this was really from God, Hill certainly "quenched the spirit"! The show must go on!
- Now that the stage is cleared of all those who previously cluttered up the stage, Hill now
calls for a "fresh anointing on Pennsylvania". He proceeds to conclude the meeting slaying even more folks. (Makes you wonder
why he cleared them all off the stage if he just slays the same ones again in the very place he demanded they be removed.)
Like Copeland, Hagin and other fakes, you can hear Hill hissing like a serpent and grunting loudly as he works his crowd.
All the while in the background you can hear people yelling, screaming and making animal sounds. Click here to view
Copeland and Browne joke together in tongues
Kenneth Copeland and Rodney Howard-Browne joke together in tongues for several minutes. Nothing
miraculous here! In fact they violate the Bible (1 Cor 14:28) by speaking in tongues in the assembly without an interpreter.
Further we ask, what edification has taken place?
1 Corinthians 14:26-28 When you assemble, each one has a psalm, has a teaching, has a revelation, has a tongue, has an
interpretation. Let all things be done for edification. If anyone speaks in a tongue, it should be by two or at the
most three, and each in turn, and let one interpret; 28 but if there is no interpreter, let him keep silent in the
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Several typically bizarre examples
of slain in the spirit
In a Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship meeting, John Arnott says, "How
many have never been to a church like this in their lives raise your hands." First a woman comes
up and John Arnott orders God to "Fill her, fill her, fill her". She falls to the floor and bangs her head so hard that Arnott
says, "Ohhhh" with vicarious pain. The woman lays on stage for about 45 minutes during which time she rocks on her back like
a rocking horse. Interesting to note that although she is supposed to be slain in the Spirit, she pulls down her shirt several
times for fear her belly is showing. Arnott moves on to the next contestant, Nancy Hubbard who was laughing so hard for 5
minutes, she couldn't explain that she started laughing in a local restaurant which triggered a contagious laughing reaction
throughout the whole restaurant. Arnott believes this is a supernatural event. However anyone can trigger the same thing by
laughing loud and historically for an extended period. Give it a try sometime! But then the stage becomes a bombing zone with
three bodies hitting the turf like matchsticks. These three lay motionless for about a minute while the first woman does her
yearly quota of sit- ups. The final view pans out to the audience where several lay twitching on the floor.
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Man "slain in the spirit" starts to jump on the spot
Rodney Howard-Browne starts prophesying at a Kenneth Copeland meeting over a minister who came up for
the anointing. He starts to jump up and down on the spot like a string puppet. Finally Browne flops him backwards on the floor.
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Two Female prophets
wagging their brains out
John Arnott stands beside these two key
woman who are proclaimed to be prophets. This clip give both of their prophecies. Both women wag their heads left and right
as if to say no in an extremely violent manner that would give many a headache. Again nothing miraculous taking place, just
people standing on a stage wagging their head and grunting which anyone can do. However the important point is that the first
woman, Stacy, who just had a baby 12 days prior, utters a false prophecy that contradicts the Bible. John Arnott states that
Stacy prophesied the coming of the "Toronto blessing" in October 1993. If you watch Stacy, she does quite a performance. She begins by saying, "I just feel that the Lord wanted to say..."
Did you notice the "I just feel"? Stacy is a self deluded loony that confuses her feelings with the voice of God. We don't
question Stacy said what she feels the Lord wanted to say, but she God never directed her! You can hear her grunt, groan and
gasp for air as she grows tired of the high energy performance and is likely getting a headache. In the middle of the "thus sayeth the Lord" she then addresses God from herself
saying, "So I just feel like the Lord wants me to cry out Lord equip your church." Then she asks for her personal choice,
"Lord give me mercy". She says speaking for God, Stacy prophesied: "He wishes that all His people were prophets". But this
contradicts: 1 Corinthians 12:29 "All are not apostles, are they? All are not prophets, are they? All are not teachers, are
they? All are not workers of miracles, are they? All do not have gifts of healings, do they? All do not speak with
tongues, do they? All do not interpret, do they? But earnestly desire the greater gifts." When given a choice between Stacy
and the Bible we chose the Bible! If Stacy prophesied the "Toronto blessing" and she openly contradicts the Bible, what more
need we say? The second woman puts on a similar performance. She furiously wags her head, grunts and groans throughout saying,
"The Lord would say, 'He is calling Gideon's army..." (A new recent buzzword among Pentecostals).
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