And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32
A false prophet. He first predicted the end
of the world to take place in 1994, and now claims the church age has come to an end. Phil Johnson notes:
Harold Camping has finally
gone completely off. Having proved himself a false prophet by predicting that Christ would return to earth on September
6, 1994, Camping continues to make false prophecies. His most recent one is the absurd claim that the Church age has come to an end, and the Tribulation has begun. God is through with the church, Camping insists. He wants all Christians to leave their churches
and trust Family Radio to be the vehicle through which the gospel is preached to the whole world. (You can guess where Camping
thinks you should send all your money.) This once-fine ministry is a tragic example of what can happen when one man is given
too much control with no accountability.
Source: Family Radio entry, Phil Johnson's Bookmarks : Really Bad Theology
Camping's aberrant and extra-biblical teachings and behavior (including his lack of accountability)
place him outside the boundaries of orthodox, evangelical Christianity.
In his book 1994? Harold
Camping states the end of the world may occur this year, somewhere between September 15-17 (p. 531). He does not know the
exact day because Scripture says ''no man knows the day nor the hour'' (Matt. 24:36). But according to Camping we can certainly
know the month and the year that Christ will return.
Family Radio (Official site) Founded and led by Harold Camping. Family Radio Is Wrong (Contra) Extensive site, operated by Dave Rastetter, a deacon at the Faith Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Akron, Ohio
About this page: Harold Camping : Family Radio First
posted: Feb. 5, 2002 Last Updated: Oct. 21, 2003 Copyright: Apologetics Index Link to: